Where does SCADA end?

A Galician company dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of products and systems for construction and industry needed to fully automate its entire cement plant.

Taking into account that in order to start up this project, the factory had to be shut down for an indispensable minimum of time, BAÜP’s challenge was to comply with the limited time available without any kind of incident.


The automation and control of the present makes more sense if it can be easily integrated with other systems, facilitating and centralising all the information. Why stay only with the SCADA?

Following this philosophy, BAÜP carried out the integration of the automation and control system with the existing ERP in the factory, unifying the management of production orders, the registration of consumption and manufacturing times. The benefits of integrating an ERP with the SCADA are diverse, highlighting the possibility of making production adjustments in real time, achieving more efficient planning and more accurate demand forecasts.


As a result, we created an automation from scratch, empowering the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System with intelligence approaching MES (Manufacturing Execution System).

Considering the limited time for the implementation of this project, the success of this project was only possible due to many hours of project planning.